Thursday, March 25, 2010

A Sigh of Relief

Ah, let me tell you what. Spring break is a wonderful experience that should happen more than once a year, let me tell you. J'Aime made it into town today and I was finally reunited with the love of my life. I was able to hang out with her and her roommates all day long and it was an absolute blast. I swear, its like a parallel universe that I travel to when she is around. All the worries of school, work, and life are just gone.

On another note - the break has just begun and I have had a let down. Not to point fingers...Lisa MacPherson...but atleast I know she is somewhere she needs to be! I am so happy for her and Dustin. I hope they do extremely well in SLC.

On Saturday (The Birthday!) I will be going to CPK[California Pizza Kitchen] for lunch with those that are here and I will definitely be having some wonderful BBQ Chicken Pizza! Later on, we will go to BJ's and I will indulge myself in a Pizooki! (No clue if thats how it is spelt!)

Need to be taking pictures more often, the weeks events need to be cataloged for those of you not here to see!:)

Can't wait for the upcoming days. My imminent future doesn't seem so apocalyptic anymore, and I plan to keep it that way...atleast until Spring Break ends!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa Mac - who??? That name does not register anymore for like the last 7 1/2 years!? ; ) Hope you had fun eating...and then more eating tonight! And hey, when we get together on Wednesday lets...I dunno...EAT!

    Before I forget, tell J I said *mwah!* Hope you guys enjoy your time together. As far as school goes, go talk to the teacher or the TA's for extra help. My experience through Dustin is they are there to help. Unlike high school they actually care if you succeed! And don't forget you have two brothers and a bro-in-law who would be more than happy to help you as much as they can! Hang in there...
